Sunday, July 11, 2010

Hurry up and wait...

So, because of really bad things happening, the state has decided that there a lots of hoops through which to jump, and red tape to navigate along the process of Foster care provider training and approval. Well, now nearly 4 months later, the process is complete. Everything from background checks, to financial statements, to hours of classes to "where do the kids go if you die" questions have been answered. We have cleaned, turned craft rooms and spare rooms into a nursery and child'd bedroom. We have stressed and labored every free moment.... and now we are done.

Anti-climactic eh? Our support worker, came and picked up the last of the paperwork on Thursday and said, "well, you are all good." It feels weird not to be doing something in preparation anymore. So now, all we do is wait. I am not so good at waiting. It could be a week, it could be a year... There is a secret little insecure person in the back of my brain that says "they think you are nuts, you wont get a placement." Blech! Hate that voice. However, until I get a phonecall and hear a voice ask me, "will you consider taking placement for this child?" it is the only voice I will be hearing.

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