Saturday, March 20, 2010

Getting Started

I am not much of a writer... But I felt to strong of a pull to document this journey. After trying for years to complete our family, we finally decided to go through the foster care system. Yesterday was our first class.

The first two preservice classes were, for the most part, an introduction to the system, the process and what to expect. Instead of the expected dry presentation, our instructor was an amazing storyteller. Her heartbreaking, heartwarming and humorous stories were inspirational. OK.. I will admit it.. I choked back tears most of the day. It was rather emotional and incredibly eye opening. I have a new openness for the birth families, for older children and for the system in general.

But the most amazing part of the whole day, happened durring the break. Steve and I left durring the break for lunch and while reflecting on the morning, through tears my I fell in love with my husband all over again. He looked at me with tears in his eyes and said, "you know honey, we have tried to have a biological child for 6 years.... maybe there is a reason... maybe we are supposed to be here today... we would be great parents to a child... we can help them survive the system... THIS is how we are supposed to be parents..."

I agree; this is where we are supposed to be. I know that it is going to be potentially even more emotional and trying than the journey to concieve and the loss of three pregnancies, however the rewards may prove to be immense as well...

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